Wear It Out

Wear It Out

Wear It Out was a collaboration between social housing provider Lewisham Homes and Make Mee studio part of  Age Against the Machine: The Festival of Creative Ageing. Which took place across Lewisham in 2019. 

The programme was a series of 10 creative workshops predominantly with older Lewisham Homes residents responding to the theme of personal attachment, memory, mindfulness, and how creativity can be an antidote to the growing environmental problem of throwaway-fashion. 

The workshops culminated in an exhibition of the work of the participants including voice recordings of them talking about their favourite items of clothing, what they made and their process. 

We also ran a community repair workshop on the day and at the finale day of The Festival of Creative Aging at Laban. 
We also taught an upcycling workshop at a local school and brought the year 4 class along to meet the residents and have an intergenerational chat about clothing, waste and the environment and to show off to each other what they had been making. 
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